I have struggled with religion with everything that happened. I grew up going to church, but haven't really gone to church much in my adult life. I believe in God and I do pray, but just never really went to church. With everything that happened with Jasmine, it definitely made me question things. I alternated going back and forth between praying harder for things to be okay and being so angry I didn't want to talk to God at all. When I lost her, I was very angry with him. How could he let this happen? Couldn't he stop this? Why me? Am I bad person and being punished for something? As time has gone on, I have tried to look at things on the more positive side (I know it sounds weird that there would even be a positive side to any of this at all). When I look at the person I am today, it's different than the person I was 5 months ago. And I think the changes are good. It makes you realize that some thin...
A blog that started about the loss of our daughter to CDH and dealing with the emotions of this. It has evolved into helping others who have gone through a loss or are going through a loss.