My name is Sarah and I have been married to my husband for 9 years and we have three beautiful children.
One of our daughters, Jasmine, is an angel baby who we lost in 2018 at 32 weeks. She had CDH (congenital diaphragmatic hernia) and mosaic trisomy 15. You can read her story here. It is this loss that inspired me to start this blog and chronicle my journey of the loss and the pregnancy after this loss. I really wanted to help others who had gone through/were currently going through the same thing I went through.
This is my favorite picture taken during my last pregnancy. To me, it represents all the emotions, struggles, and joys of my pregnancy after loss journey.
I just want to add that if you are struggling through a loss, you can always reach out to me. My whole goal is that no one ever feels alone while going through a loss or a subsequent pregnancy.
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