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Showing posts from October, 2019

Explaining Loss to Siblings

My life has been full of change lately and it has been completely overwhelming.  Learning how to divide my attention between two children has been tough because they both seem to need me at the same time.  I feel like I have had to tell N so many times "I can't help you right now, I have to feed the baby."  I know these days are numbered with her being so little, so I try hard to not beat myself up about it.  Being a parent is hard, no matter how many kids you have. In the past few days, N has been asking a lot of questions about Jasmine and why she died.  He was 3, almost 4, when we lost her.  We tried to explain as best we could what happened, but he was too little to completely understand.  I think now, he is trying to process and understand what happened.  The first question came out of nowhere and caught me off guard because I'm not exactly sure what triggered it.  He asked to see a picture of her (he has seen one before).  I show...