We found out we were pregnant with Jasmine a few months after a failed fertility treatment. We had done a treatment that was successful, but then ended in miscarriage. My HCG levels were falling, but then started rising again, so I had to take a shot of methotrexate. This meant we had to wait at least three months before trying again. I found out I was pregnant with her a couple of months after the waiting period was over. I went to my RE for beta levels and everything was rising and doubling perfectly. All my early ultrasounds with him looked great and she was growing normally and right on track. I had my first appointment with my OB and everything looked fine on that end as well. It came time to do the NT scan and genetic testing. They no longer did the NT scan in their office and they referred me out to an MFM to get it done. We went to the appointment and the tech did the scan. She showed us the things we were lookin...
A blog that started about the loss of our daughter to CDH and dealing with the emotions of this. It has evolved into helping others who have gone through a loss or are going through a loss.