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Showing posts from November, 2019

Jasmine's Story

We found out we were pregnant with Jasmine a few months after a failed fertility treatment.  We had done a treatment that was successful, but then ended in miscarriage.  My HCG levels were falling, but then started rising again, so I had to take a shot of methotrexate.  This meant we had to wait at least three months before trying again.  I found out I was pregnant with her a couple of months after the waiting period was over. I went to my RE for beta levels and everything was rising and doubling perfectly.  All my early ultrasounds with him looked great and she was growing normally and right on track.  I had my first appointment with my OB and everything looked fine on that end as well. It came time to do the NT scan and genetic testing.  They no longer did the NT scan in their office and they referred me out to an MFM to get it done.  We went to the appointment and the tech did the scan.  She showed us the things we were lookin...

The Reality of Being a Mom

Last night was rough.  E was up every 60-90 min until four.  After that, she woke up every time I tried to lay her down.  I got maybe 2-3 hours of broken sleep.  I was beyond frustrated and have found lack of sleep makes me angry too.  My husband had to go out of town for work again this morning, so I was solo getting the kids ready for the day.  I was frustrated with N and yelled at him.  Basically, just not how I wanted the morning to go. But being a mom means sacrificing a lot.  More than you even expect.  You know there will be sleepless nights, but you don't realize just how rough it will be. Being a mom means you have to hurridly eat your meals or eat them cold.  Or maybe even eat them one handed while you hold the baby with the other hand and help your 5 year old do something in between bites. It means having to sit in the back seat sometimes because your son asks you too even though you don't always want to.  And ...